Who Is the Most Stylish Warriors Player? Shaun Livingston Hands Out the Hardware

The Warriors are gearing up for what many believe is going to be an epic Western Conference Finals series vs the Rockets.

But with Game 1 still four days away, not all of the coverage has to be hard-hitting analysis.

Exhibit A:

Shaun Livingston recently sat down with Julie Phayer of warriors.com for a Q&A.

One question: Who is the most stylish guy on the team?

Livingston's answer may surprise you.

"Andre is the easy choice, but I'm gonna give Zaza some love. For a big guy, you know it's not easy for big guys to get it right. Nice cardigan, nice trouser collection. I mean, he surprises you. Obviously, he's European, so that's behind it. Plus, it's easier to do it when you have a stylist. I don't' know if he has a stylist or not, but I know some guys have stylists. You know, it's like getting a cheat code to the test.

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"Nick Young - his style is something else, too. As a matter of fact, shout-out to his brand. He has a brand, I don't know if you know that, called Most Hated. So, I support the brand. We support our teammates."

It's not a surprise that Livingston didn't pick Klay Thompson because last April, Andre Iguodala said: "Klay should wear staple pieces. He should wear the same thing every day, He should dress like a Silicon Valley startup CEO.

"He doesn't know which way he wants to go."

Drew Shiller is the co-host of Warriors Outsiders. Follow him on Twitter @DrewShiller

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