Major Cell Phone Carriers Waive Fees to Help Families Keep in Touch With Victims of Mexico City Earthquake

Sprint, T-Mobile and AT&T announced that customers can contact family and friends in Mexico through call and text with charges being waived, including roaming charges.

Following the destructive 7.1-magnitude earthquake that killed hundreds of people and crumbled buildings in Mexico City on Tuesday, several major cell phone carriers are waiving fees for those affected by the temblor to help them get in touch with loved ones.

In separate press releases, Sprint, T-Mobile and AT&T announced that customers can contact family and friends through call and text services with charges being waived, including roaming charges.

  • T-Mobile, which also owns MetroPCS, announced they will allow customers from the U.S. and Puerto Rico to contact others in Mexico without additional charge until Friday, Sept. 22, 2017.
  • Sprint, which owns Boost and Virgin Mobile, is waiving fees for U.S. customers if they make contact to those in Mexico until the same Sept. 22 deadline as T-Mobile.
  • AT&T is allowing their customers from the U.S. to contact loved ones in the earthquake-struck country until Saturday, Sept. 23, 2017.

Tuesday's temblor struck on the 32nd anniversary of a devastating 8.0-magnitude earthquake that rattled the capital, killing thousands of people in 1985.

First responders and civilians worked together to save people stuck between the debris of collapsed buildings.

The rescue effort drew in support from various countries, with even a local SoCal rescue team being deployed to help in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake.

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