Alameda County

Alameda County Sheriff's Deputy on Life Support After Being Struck by Bus at Santa Rita Jail

A veteran Alameda County sheriff's deputy is on life support after being struck by a jail transport bus at Santa Rita Jail in Dublin early Wednesday morning, a sheriff's spokesman said.

The incident happened at about 6:15 a.m. at the transportation yard behind the jail near the 4900 block of Broder Boulevard, Sgt. Ray Kelly said.

The deputy, identified as 60-year-old Mike Foley, was was walking behind the bus when the driver back up and hit him. Foley suffered traumatic brain injuries in the crash and is in critical condition.

Sheriff Gregory Ahern said recent weather condition and subsequent visibility issues may have have contributed to the accident, which has shaken the entire department.

"It's tragic, terrible, just an awful experience," Ahern said. 

Foley is being treated at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, where a large group of other deputies have gathered to support him and his family, according to Kelly.

Foley has been with the sheriff's office since 2006, working in the transportation unit, Kelly said.

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