Matthew Perrone

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  • Aug 9, 2022

    US to Stretch Monkeypox Vaccine Supply With Smaller Doses

    U.S. health officials on Tuesday authorized a plan to stretch the nation’s limited supply of monkeypox vaccine by giving people just one-fifth the usual dose, citing research suggesting that the reduced amount is about as effective.

  • Mental Health Mar 4, 2020

    FDA Bans Shock Device Used on Mentally Disabled Patients

    The Food and Drug Administration is banning electrical shock devices used to discourage aggressive behaviors in patients with disabilities. Health experts have called the devices outdated and unethical for years and pushed for the ban. Only one facility in the U.S. still uses the shock treatment β€” a residential school in Massachusetts.

  • Donald Trump Feb 26, 2019

    Senators Draw on Own Experiences to Chastise Drug Companies

    Drawing from their personal experiences, senators on Tuesday chastised drug company executives over the high cost of prescription drugs, as the company officials cautioned that heavy-handed congressional action could jeopardize medical breakthroughs going forward. Tuesday’s Senate Finance Committee hearing marked the first time lawmakers have called the industry’s top executives to account for rising prices, which are a drain on...

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