February is Black History Month and Savanna Jazz invites you to Salute to Black History Month, a cultural dinner and show to honor decades of rich history in the United States. Savana Jazz is an attractive jazz club that opened in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission District in 2003. They bring you a comfy and hip atmosphere, coupled with a delicious and enticing West African dinner menu.
You will have two chances to attend Salute to Black History Month. On opening weekend, February 13-14, watch a brilliant performance from the Pacal Bokar AfroJazz Ensemble, coupled with a mouth-watering dinner prepared by Executive Chef Pierre Thiam, whose mission is to blend food from his native West Africa with his contemporary New York style food. On February 22-23, 2015, listen to a beautiful and smooth jazz performance from Doug Carn. Both musicians are renowned Jazz performers who bring their own unique flavor to the jazz world.
For more information, click here
When: February 13-14 and February 22-23, 2015
Where: Savanna Jazz Club
San Francisco
Time: 6:30 PM dinner, 7:00 PM show