Got $595? Buy Donna Karan's New Jeans

Donna Karan's answer to the recession? Jeans that'll run you just shy of six bills.

Recession? What recession? That must be happening in, like, England, 'cause here in the U.S. of A. we're rolling in mad money -- the kind of cash surplus that would cause an otherwise clear-minded person to spend $595 on a pair of jeans.

What -- other than the Karan name - justifies the price tag on these Donna Karan Collection jeans? It's Italian denim, for one, and it's a special kind of denim that's bias-cut, says the New York Post, and especially flattering to curves.

We know what you're thinking. This is hardly the first pair of jeans to sport a price tag nudging up to four figures. It's not like Dolce & Gabbana spend their days making $49 jeans. But take a look at DK's designer denim, and tell us: Do these look like $600 jeans to you?

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