Back in early 2008, Curbed found what was believed to be the smallest micro-condo on the market. 625 Divisadero Street was being sold for $299,000 and came in at 341 square feet.
While 333 Grant Ave #405 isn't quite as small (it's a 441 square foot studio), it's got to be the cheapest micro-condo (that's readily livable) on the market.
If you can cough-up $189,000 it can be yours. It sold for $234,000 back in November of 2004, so this price is a deal. The condo is situated on the border of Union Square and the Financial District, so clearly this apartment is all about location.
The unit has exposed brick and concrete walls and "many upgrades," including a washer and dryer. What do you think, dear readers? 441 square feet isn't much, but neither is $189,000 for a piece of your very own San Francisco.