A Vanguard Properties associate, now known widely in the blogosphere as "James the Hater," went off the rails in the Mission last night at approximately 8 pm, verbally assaulting the proprietors of Thursday night mainstay (and harbinger of carb-induced sobriety) Mission Street Food in a tirade that, frankly, doesn't surprise us at all.* Several local iPhone-wielding vigilantes were on hand to capture the spectacularly unprofessional temper tantrum, wherein James the Hater stormed out of the firm's Mission Street headquarters to the sidewalk below; witnesses watched in abject horror as he went ballistic on the truck's owners, -- who cook out of Bar Tartine, for the love of God! --accusing them of posting a bogus permit before issuing a string of insults regarding their cleanliness, "right" to set up shop on Mission Street -- et cetera, et cetera; NIMBY, NIMBY; douche, douche. (For the record: Mission Street Food's permit is reported to be totally legit.) Confidential to James: Public displays of psychosis tend not to play so well with potential buyers and sellers. Next time, stop and count to ten; pour out the Ketel One on a stack of contracts; vacuum your leased BMW -- whatever it takes, brah.
* Okay, fine: Yes, he's an agent. And no, we're not naming names.
· Mission Street Food — Drama! [Burrito Justice]
· Hater Tries to Spoil Mission Street Food Fun [Mission Mission]
· Horrible Human Being Tries to Ruin Mission Food Truck Deliciousness [SFist]
[Image courtesy Burrito Justice]
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