Guilt apparently got the best of a man who said he robbed a Walnut Creek, credit union last week then confessed it -- in the safe haven of church.
A man walked into the Patelco Credit Union at the corner of Broadway and Carlback last Thursday and handed the teller a note that claimed he had a gun and demanded cash.
Police put out the alert for a man in his 20s, wearing a dark-green hat, dark sweatpants and a gray hooded sweatshirt with "Berkeley" across the front.
A few days later, he apparently felt guilty about it enough to go to church and tell the priest at St. John Vianney's Catholic Church. Not only did he hand the priest a confession, he also handed over $1,200.
Police haven't said whether the amount handed over is the same amount the alleged robber took off with from the credit union.
The priest called police, and the cops say they're open for his confession as well -- only they won't be so forgiving.