Bay Area Members of Congress Describe Dublin Prison as a ‘Disgrace and Cultural Riot'

A group of Bay Area members of Congress toured federal prison FCI Dublin Monday and described it as a disgrace and cultural riot.

“This prison is a cultural, toxic environment. When you have a warden, chaplain, and two other officers who are charged with sexual assault and two who pleaded guilty, you’ve got a cultural riot in an institution,” said Congresswoman Jackie Speier.

Dublin may be best known for housing celebrities, including Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin. But the spotlight was on other inmate’s reports of abuse -- going as far back as 2014 -- like reports of forced sex with guards and other crimes by authorities.

”COVID is an excuse to not have cameras, upgrades, not allow inmates to socialize, fraternize to learn to rehabilitate,” said Congressman Eric Swalwell.

He grew up nearby and represents the Dublin Community. He said this negligence allowed abuse to take place. 

“We are also concerned that guards who have allegations against them are still working at the facility,” said Congresswoman Karen Bass. “I think that is egregious.”

Prison guard union Vice President John Kostelnik was among those who toured the prison Monday, and he said, “I can speak on behalf of the union we have been addressing these issues for the past year to tone deaf individuals that we would like replaced.”

Leaders said more funding and staffing are just some of the changes that may be on the way.

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