First he boiled down the golden state's meaty propositions into 17-syllable phrases. Now, Democratic advocate and lover of words Damian Carroll is bidding farewell to election season with a comedic poetry contest.
The Southern California man posted his own five-line limerick on Facebook Tuesday morning and challenged the social media community to give it their best shot.
For those who don't recall their school-time poetry lesson, limericks are humorous poems with a distinct rhyming structure.
Almost all of the Facebook commenters happened to be pro-Hillary Clinton supporters and weren't afraid to pen some poetry attacking the opposition.
Britta Kumley praised Clinton for her perseverance and promise.
That woman did make them suspicious.
They said she was much too ambitious.
But she kept at her work,
Outfoxed the orange jerk,
And the future looked quite auspicious.
Mel Powell predicted a landslide result.
We've all seen the guy with the tower,
Who urgently wanted more power.
Then pantsuits came out,
It turned into a rout,
And the orange guy slunk away, sour.
As for the competition, Carroll joked that "three drunken Irishmen" will judge the entries and, once the 45th president of the United States is announced, hand a bottle of Jameson or Bushmills Irish whiskey to the winner.
Carrol is the national director of the charity Vision to Learn in Brentwood, Calif. and a self-identified Democratic activist. He was also political director for Bobby Shriver for Los Angeles County Supervisor and director of special projects for Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Krekorian. He ran for state Assembly in 2013 and was a one-time substitute teacher.