A South Bay program aims to give certain neighborhoods easier access to healthy foods.
Silicon Valley's Health Trust launched the "Good. To Go" program to revitalize certain liquor and corner stores in San Jose with fresh, healthy food items.
"We are making sure all the stores we're locating are really in those neighborhoods that really don't have good food access," said Frederick Ferrer, Health Trust CEO.
The Santa Clara County Public Health Department reports 17 percent of fifth through seventh graders are obese.
Ferrer hopes the Health Trust's efforts will translate into a new model for fast food.
"We all know what's good for us to eat, but if we don't have the option that's convenient then you're going to continue to pick options that you know aren't really healthy for you," Ferrer said.
The La Condeza Market is one of the businesses participating in the program.
"We want them to have more options, healthy options for their families and for the community also," said Elena Valdez, La Condeza Market owner.
At the Emit Market, owner Carmina Rivera said the decision to participate in the program has seen a transformation of one of her loyal customers.
"She used to buy candies and chips," Rivera said. "And now she comes in and now she gets an apple and a banana for her kid."