Small Chance Bodega Bay Body Came from Farallon Crash

Sonoma investigators said they will work with SF police to see if a body found in Bodega Bay could be a Low Speed Chase victim

Sheriff's investigators are checking to see if there's a possibility that a body recovered this morning from the waters of Bodega Bay  is connected to the fatal Farallones yacht crash from earlier this month, a  Sonoma County sheriff's lieutenant said.

 "There's no reason to believe it's related," Lt. Dennis O'Leary  said about the body discovered this morning and the April 14 crash near the  Farallon Islands.

O'Leary said the body has been identified as male.

Tourists spotted the body at the base of the cliff at Bodega Head  and called the sheriff's office at 7:40 p.m. Tuesday, O'Leary said.

The sheriff's office sent a helicopter to the area that night but  could not conduct a search in the dark.

At first light this morning, a helicopter was sent out to the same  area and the remains were found and retrieved around 8:30 a.m., he said.

The sheriff's office is going to collaborate with San Francisco  police investigators, whose jurisdiction covers the Farallon Islands, to see  what information, such as descriptions or dental records, they have about the  missing sailors from the yacht crash to "see if there is a possible  connection," O'Leary said.

The Low Speed chase, a 38-foot yacht based at the San Francisco  Yacht Club in Belvedere, was tossed by the waves near the islands on April  14, which sent many crewmembers into the water and the boat into rocks.

One sailor, Belvedere resident Marc Kasanin, 46, was pulled out of  the water by rescuers and confirmed dead.

Four others -- Alexis Busch, of Larkspur; Alan Cahill, of Tiburon;  25-year-old Kentfield resident Jordan Fromm; and Elmer Morrisey, of Ireland,  remain lost at sea.

In the meantime, sheriff's officials are going through their  missing person reports to find any possible leads in identifying the body.  The department will then put out a bulletin about the body to other law  enforcement agencies, O'Leary said.

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