IF OCTOBER ISN'T OCTOBER... without an inflatable ghost in a leaf-strewn yard, and a witch flying from the rafters of a porch, and several orange lights wound through some shrubbery, then you're likely on the lookout for the kind of neighborhoods where Halloween decorations take a front seat. Make that a frontyard seat, for while spooky touches inside lend cheerful fear to a household, it's the outdoor props and bulbs and figures that are more widely seen by neighbors, friends of neighbors, and anyone passing along a street. And though a house here and there may put out a pumpkin or two, it is in places like Nevada City, come the end of the tenth month, that really go to terrifying town. No, this isn't the sort of scene you might see on a competitive Halloween decorating show on cable, but plenty of the charming abodes around the Sierra foothills town do get into the spirit of the season via a host of haunting looks. Things'll really rev up...
CLOSE TO HALLOWEEN, which is also about when the foliage around the burg is going for its golden and red hues, but you might come across a quirky house, here and there, doing the tombstones 'n monsters thing earlier in the month. One things for sure: Nevada City is a colorful town all year long, and it delivers on that reputation when Oct. 31 comes into view. The Outside Inn, The Broad Street Inn, numerous other business and numerous private homes'll hang up the eerie stuff in the weeks to come, so make time for a thorough walk-around. If you're doing some Gold Country leaf-peeping, best swing through Nevada City for a little dastardly dose of Halloween sights, especially closer to the holiday itself.