Redwoods Free Day: March Registration Opening

Sign up, in advance, for the March 10 "Free Second Saturdays" event and visit one of over 40 redwoodian parks.

HOW MUCH HAS A REDWOOD GROWN... since the last Free Second Saturdays day, which happened on Feb. 10, 2018? That was almost two weeks ago, as of this typing, and if a coastal redwood can grow three to ten feet per year, your favorite redwood may have added four inches to its height, in just the span of a fortnight. And, yes, we say "your favorite redwood" while totally assuming you do actually have a favorite redwood, and while the act of assuming is generally something we should avoid, we'll make an exception here. But how long has it been since you've visited your favorite redwood? Or made the acquaintance of some redwood trees that you've not yet met? This is where the Free Second Saturdays program becomes so very handy. The new program, a joint effort from Save the Redwoods League and California State Parks, is all about helping people get into over 40 California redwoodsy state parks, for free, courtesy of a day-use parking pass, over the course of 2018. The name correctly suggests that these free days happen on...

EACH SECOND SATURDAY, but here's the deal: Since everyone has a favorite redwood — again, we're just assuming here, blithely — everyone will want to go during these Free Second Saturdays. That's why reserving your day-use parking pass in advance is essential. When, though, to reserve? Reservations open in advance of the free day, and the bookings'll begin, for Saturday, March 10, at 8 in the morning on Saturday, Feb. 24. So if you want to tree it up in March, with a free day-use pass, at a redwoods-filled state park? Best book early on Feb. 24. There are things to know about obtaining the pass, so study up before hunkering down on the morning of the 24th to get your gratis ticket to redwoods-based bliss. And if you do score a free day-use pass for March 10, well, high five. Also, be sure to say "hey" to your favorite redwood for us. These trees are true treasures, and our tread-lightly visits only serve to further our curiosity, our adoration, and our wish to know these ancient forest friends better. To do so, once a month, for free, is a gift, one thousands of Golden Staters will enjoy over the next several months.

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