Facebook Publishes a Teacher's Guide for Facebook Use

Facebook has launched a guide to help educators teach teenagers how to use Facebook responsibly.

While this may sound a bit odd, Facebook has already published guides on domestic violence and suicide prevention, so advocating for the nation's youth on social network and Internet use isn't surprising.

The odd part is that Facebook has a big dog in this fight, and more than 1 billion users, so can users really trust Facebook to be objective in this 16-page guide? It does address cyberbullying and harassment, which can be a negative part of a teen's experience online, but it's seeking to train teachers and other adults on how to help young people make "responsible choices," according to the Next Web.

The "Facebook for Educators and Community Leaders Guide" was written with the help of such diverse partners as the Family Online Safety Institute, WiredSafety, ConnectSafely.org, the Girl Scouts of Northern California, and the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops, and its goal is to help adults teach teens and young adults how to "safely use the service," the Next Web reported.

While the idea sounds pleasant enough, the reality is that most teens and young adults know how to use the social network already and are aware of cyberbullying or harassment -- for better or for worse. The guide is likely really for the adults out there who may not understand it or be unaware of the Internet's dangers or attractions.

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