Giants Finally Solve Great San Francisco Political Mystery

Leave it to the San Francisco Giants to solve one of the great political mysteries of San Francisco: who becomes mayor if Gavin Newsom wins his race for lieutenant governor?

The current mayor himself answered that question Wednesday as he took to the airwaves on KFOG to cheer on his hometown Giants.

Newsom talked about his team facing off in the World Series against the Rangers, his bet with the mayor of Arlington and of course a little politics.

When a caller asked the lifelong Giants fan a serious question about who would replace him if he beats Abel Maldonado for a seat in Sacramento, Newsom gave one of the best political non-answers in recent memory.

“Pretty obvious. Tim Lincecum. He’s a leader, he takes control. ... Cody Ross is my runner-up,”  he said.

In case those two choices decide they like what they are doing better, the San Francisco Examiner noted that Newsom chose Andre Torres and his impressive abs as his third choice.


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