First Family's Bay Area Tour Continues

One Obama leaves and another just flies right into town.

Monday First Lady Michelle Obama comes to town to raise money for a Democratic party reeling ahead of next week's election.

Mrs. Obama visits town just a few days after her husband was in San Francisco meeting with Apple CEO Steve Jobs and drumming up support -- and necessary funds -- for his party.

The first lady is also in town trying to raise money for her party. She will appear at a fundraiser for Democratic candidates with House Speaker, and San Francisco resident, Nancy Pelosi Monday night at the Fairmount Hotel on Nob Hill.

The female power duo will mainly be raising money for Sen. Barbara Boxer, who is trying to fend of a Republican challenge from former HP CEO Carly Fiorina.

The trip marks the second time Mrs. Obama has visited the Bay Area since her husband took office last year.

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