9/24 You Spin Me Right Round

Plus dry hilarity in theater

HEY MISTER DJ: Guitar Hero not quite your scene? Try your hand at DJ Hero at the game's release party at 9 p.m., held at 1015 Folsom. Get on the guest list here.

IF YOU DON'T GO, THE TERRORISTS WIN: Jennifer Jajeh's  one (wo)man show, I Heart Hamas, is on tonight and every Thursday until Oct.24 at Off-Market Theaters. This witty Palestian-American girl cooly shows us how her daily life is affected by today's politics.

ALWAYS SUNNY IN SAN FRANCISCO: Get ready to die laughing. The NIghtman Cometh, the mock musical from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia lands in SF at 7p.m., at the Nob HIll Masonic Center to be precise. Don't miss it - we hear Danny DeVito gets into troll-gear. [7x7]

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