In an effort to educate well-sheltered city folk about harsh refugee living conditions, Doctors Without Borders set up a mock refugee camp in Little Marina Green Park last week. It's only appropriate— or is it ironic? yeah, sometimes we can't tell in San Francisco— that the group chose the Marina as its campgrounds. As a Bay Guardian commenter notes rather icily: "No need to visit an ersatz camp. Tent cities of homeless people are springing up in nooks and crannies in our cities and at the edges of towns." Just not so much in the yacht-filled Marina. But if we don't really know whether the message struck a chord with the locals, the camp at least made a sobering field trip for a group of students— giggling kids fell silent when they learned there were only two latrines between 8,000 refugees. Something to think about next time you can't find a place to pee in this city.
· Horror at home [SFBG]
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