New Whale Carcass Found in Bay

For the second time in the past couple of weeks a dead whale has been spotted inside the San Francisco Bay.

The whale, which appeared to be about 35 feet long, was several hundred yards in front of the Ferry Building at noontime Wednesday.

Hundreds of seagulls were using the carcass for lunch.

The Coast Guard put out a bulletin to boaters to avoid the area to be aware of the object.   At least one boater who got close to the whale said he saw evidence the mammal was killed by a ship.

 The whale that was spotted last month appeared in nearly the same spot.

That whale was quickly towed to the shoreline near San Quentin where mammal experts took samples to see if they could figure out how it died.

The new whale is not as big an interest to mammal experts because it is already decomposing.

The plan as of Wednesday evening is to see if the tide would carry the carcass out to sea on its own.   It was last seen headed toward the Golden Gate Bridge, which is the right direction.


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