The San Jose Police Department has identified several suspects responsible for assault involved in the June 2 Trump rally in front of the Convention Center.
During the rally, a police officer was assaulted, a woman was egged, a supporter was attacked and several others in attendance left with cuts and bruises.[[382418171, C]]
San Jose Police Department has identified and arrested four suspects.
Ahmed Abdirahman, 19, Robert Trillo, 18, and Antonio Fernandez, 19, were arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. Michael Kitaigorodsky, 19, was arrested after refusing to disperse, police said.
But the suspects don’t stop there.
Thursday, SJPD released photos of two new suspects they have yet to ID, responsible for assault.
One suspect is a male, wearing a black tank top with his hair tied into a pony tail. The second suspect is a female wearing a white shirt stating, “Trump DIE.”
The female suspect was caught on camera walking down San Carlos Street and burning the American flag.
No one from the police department was available for comment, but they did imply there will be more arrests.