Governor Gavin Newsom’s new order could put Gilroy at odds with the state and Santa Clara County.
He is advising 19 counties seeing some of the largest COVID surges, including Santa Clara County, to cancel their 4th of July fireworks shows to help prevent crowds from gathering in public.
But despite that request, Gilroy says its show will go on.
“As you know, this has been a very difficult year for Gilroy,” said Mayor Roland Velasco. “With the Garlic Festival shooting and now COVID.”
He insists the show centered at Gilroy High School will go on and can be watched safely from homes.
“We are shooting the fireworks up higher,” he said. “We are trying to prevent people from congregating at our parks.”
Residents say they have mixed feelings.
“I don’t think it’s possible to keep people from gathering, especially where they do the fireworks show in Gilroy,” said Michele Eves. “It’s right behind the high school, there’s a big levee right there that’s open to the public.”
The Public Health Department did not comment but did point out that technically the show would be in compliance if there was no public gathering to watch it.
“I think people definitely need something right now,” said San Martin resident Sandra Willson. “So I can see them wanting some kind of celebration. I think if people can watch it, maybe, from their cars.”