Graveyard Robberies on the Rise

Police are investigating a string of thefts at Colma cemeteries within the past week, including one Wednesday afternoon, in which purses are being  stolen from unlocked cars, a police detective said.

Two suspects, a male and female, are believed to be responsible for the six thefts within the past week, Colma police Detective Cecilia Garay  said.

The thefts have all taken place between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery and Cypress Hill Cemetery. The suspects apparently  approach unlocked cars and take the purses while the owners are visiting  gravesites, according to Garay.

"They want to be short, sweet, simple about it," said police Officer John Sperisen, who has responded to three of the thefts. "The less  people who see them the better."

The suspects have been spotted driving a gray or charcoal newer model Mercedes Benz, Garay said.

The Police Department is urging residents who visit the cemeteries to lock their cars and take their valuables with them. Anyone with  information about the thefts is asked to call Colma police at 650-997-8321.

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