People who frequent the Rockridge BART station in Oakland are troubled after vandals had a heyday in the parking lot Monday, slashing more than a dozen car tires.
BART rider Cindy Warner said it's possible that residents are lulled into a "false sense of security" because the area is typically "very safe" and "happy."
“It's just senseless,” she said of the vandalism. “It's a shame. It's just very disappointing.”
Glenda Ruth agreed, saying, it is “not nice to come home late at night and find your car with a problem like that.”
On Tuesday, BART officials stepped up patrols of the parking lot. They say the unusual tire slashing spree took place between about 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. while most riders were at work.
“You expect to come home and your car to be intact the way you left it, the way you'd leave other people's property alone,” Michael Stephenson said.
Meanwhile, commuters are nervous, hoping their cars aren't vandalized while they're away.
“I hope the slasher isn't slashing anymore," one rider said.