Alameda County

Parks district launches project to streamline entry to Del Valle Regional Park

Beginning Saturday, East Bay Regional Park District is launching a pilot project to streamline entry at Del Valle Regional Park on weekends and holidays.  

The district said in a statement the project will allow visitors to pay a single $10 flat fee to enter the park rather than individual fees based on park use. The flat fee will cover parking, trailers, and dogs. 

A limited number of advance park entry passes will also be available for purchase online

Fishing and quagga mussel inspection fees are not included in the $10 flat fee and will be available for purchase in the marina area. 

Entering the park will look a little different with the pilot project. As vehicles approach the kiosk, there will be a separate line for pre-paid parking, visitors with camping reservations (not picnic reservations), park district staff, and residents. 

Regional Parks Foundation members can enter through the pre-paid line, as free park entry and parking is a membership benefit. Learn more online

The pilot project is testing potential ways to improve the visitor experience and reduce traffic congestion when entering the park on busy spring and summer weekends and holidays. The pilot project runs through Labor Day weekend (Monday, Sept. 2).

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