Plastic Bag Bag Advances in Sonoma

County officials took another step toward banning the bag in 2013.

The bag is on its way to being banned.

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors moved forward with a ban in plastic bags at grocery stores in the county, according to the Santa Rosa Press-Democrat.

β€œThe time has come,” Supervisor Mike McGuire told the newspaper. β€œWe've discussed this for the better part of half a decade now.”

The next step is to have the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency draft a version of the law and then conduct an environmental review, the newspaper reported. The ban would then take effect in summer of 2013.

The ban would apply only to grocery stores, the newspaper reported. Plastic could still be used for carrying meat or vegetables, the newspaper reported.

A 10-cent surcharge will be placed on paper bags, the newspaper reported.

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