The race for a seat on the San Jose City Council is a downright dirty one in District 5.
Voters in the East San Jose district got a second fake mailer attacking candidate Magdalena Carrasco. The flyer, apparently intending to turn Latino voters against her, attempts to align Carrasco and her ideals to Los Angeles politicians and the problems of gangs, traffic and smog in SoCal.
The mailer shows a picture of Carrasco's ex-husband, who is an elected official in Los Angeles, with a "Just say No to L.A. Politicians" cross through his face. Below the image on the fake flyer is the message: "Just Say No to Magdalena Carrasco."
Last week, a mailer was sent to Vietnamese-American voters in the district showing a picture of Carrasco next to an image of the Communist Vietnam flag.
Carrasco's campaign is trying to figure out who's sending the fake mailers. It appears they are coming from the same person or group because both mailers have the same return address. Three other candidates running for the District 5 seat have all come out condemning the attack ads calling the dirty campaign disrespectful.
Mayor Chuck Reed has asked the San Jose elections commmision to investigate and calls the mailers "a violation of city and state laws."