
Some San Jose Venues Will Have to Ask for Proof of Vaccination Or Negative COVID Test

Under new state guidelines, events with a thousand people or more will be required to ask attendees for proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test

NBC Universal, Inc.

Some San Jose venues, like the SAP Center, will be affected by both the city proposal and the state's new requirement.

Under new state guidelines, events with a thousand people or more will be required to ask attendees for proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test.

This changes prior current guidance requiring indoor venues with 5,000 people or more to only attest to their vaccination status -- not show proof.

"I understand that some people are opposed to it, I'm not going to tell them they're wrong. But, you know, I got the shot, I got the card, it doesn't really make much difference to me,” said Brian Rautio, visiting from New York.

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo said he wants to go even further: proposing stricter requirements for city-owned venues like the Convention Center.

His proposal would apply to any event in a city venue with 50 or more and in this new proposal, there's no mention of an option to show a negative COVID-19 test, instead. District 4 City Councilmember David Cohen supports the mayor's idea.

"I think it's a proposal that we should consider seriously and probably is the right thing to make sure that our people who are in groups are vaccinated,” he said.

In July, San Jose was the first big city in the U.S. to reach 85% of residents getting their first dose.

And now, many have already got their second as well.

Cohen said these mandates may help reach the relatively small group of residents who still haven't got their shots.

"There are pockets of our city where are as few as 65 to 70 percent are not vaccinated," he said.

The mayor's proposal will be heard next Tuesday. If passed, it goes into effect immediately.

Liccardo said he’s also looking at taking a page out of San Francisco's playbook -- one that would require proof of vaccination at all indoor venues, including bars and restaurants.

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