Two young teenage girls who disappeard after a Super Bowl party in an unincorporated area of Vallejo Sunday are considered missing persons at risk because of their ages, according to the Solano County Sheriff's Office.
Micah Gonzales, 13, and Kassondre "Kassie" Kuder, 14, were last seen shortly after 7 p.m. in front of Gonzales' father's
me in the 1200 block of Lewis Road, sheriff's Officer Paula Toynbee said.
Gonzales' father said his daughter is fighting a mental illness and has run away before.
Both girls live on the same street.
Kuder's parents said they put up dozens of posters in hopes someone would see them and call police.
The two have been seen together in Vallejo since Sunday evening and did not appear to be in distress, Toynbee said.
Deputies searched neighborhood where Gonzales' father lives Sunday night, and detectives on Monday fanned out through Vallejo and nearby unincorporated areas, Toynbee said.
Other Bay Area law enforcement agencies are also on the lookout for the girls, including the Oakland Police Department, as Gonzales has been known to frequent the Oakland area, Toynbee said.
Toynbee said the girls are acquaintances, not close friends.