HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO: Food lovers unite. French master chef Patrick Farjas will do a special food presentation at the Day Break restaurant, 1154 Arroyo Ave., in San Carlos at 7 p.m. The best part is not only will Farjas show you how to cook, he'll also let you eat his fine food too. For more information check out the Meet Up listing.
DRUMS ON CRACK: Like feeling spiritual? Put on your best flute loving ears and head out to the Herbst Theater, 415 Geary St., in San Francisco at 7 p.m. to listen to Omar Faruk Tekbilek and his Sufi folk music. It's like Zamfir meets the Dali Lama.
ARE YOU GONNA LAUGH MY WAY: Not to be confused with Lenny Kravitz but comic Lynne Koplitz will drop a joke or two at The Improv, 62 S 2nd St., in San Jose. Tickets start at $16.