There's a free boat rusting its way into the Bay near Candlestick Point for anyone who wants it.
Because no officials appear willing to take care of this ship.
No one is sure who left the 20-foot cabin cruiser just off-shore from Candlestick Park, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. The rumor is that someone left the boat there on Dec. 23, following the 49ers' final home game in San Francisco.
Since then, the boat has slowly sunk beneath waves. It's been rusting and been collecting gifts from seagulls -- and not the Coast Guard and not the state parks appear willing to take responsibility.
"I hate to say it, but I think it just gets left there," a Coast Guard spokesperson told the newspaper.
San Francisco police took their own boat out there but couldn't find a serial number, so they don't know who to bill for a recovery.
The Coast Guard says it's not their problem. That leaves the California Department of Parks and Recreation -- which says it can't help, because it has no boat of its own.
In fact, they don't "even have a canoe," the newspaper reported.