First he attacked Nobel Prize-winning author Elie Wiesel in a San Franicsco elevator. Now famed Holocaust denier Eric Hunt is on the attack again. He has filed a lawsuit in Broward County Florida against Steven Speilberg and author Irene Weisberg Zisblatt.
Hunt, 25, was convicted last year in the San Francisco attack on Wiesel in 2007.
He claims Zisblatt's new book "The Fifth Diamond: The Story of Irene Weisberg Zisblatt" is a fraud, according to the Sun-Sentinel.
The lawsuit, filed on Oct. 6 in Broward Circuit Court, alleges that "Zisblatt blatantly stole other Jewish people's experiences during World War II and passed them off as her own in order to further the Jewish political agenda and profit off of these fantastical tales."
Zisblatt, 80, survived the Holocaust and watched her parents and five siblings die in Concentration camps during World War II, and is now a resident of Pembroke Pines. She appeared in Spielberg's 1998 documentary "The Last Days."
Hunt, who is representing himself in the suit, adds that "the defendants must not go unpunished for tormenting Gentiles and instilling hatred in Jews using such hideous lies."
Zisblatt's son-in-law, Stuart Mermelstein, a Miami resident, called the lawsuit "absurd."
"This lunatic has assaulted a survivor in the past," Mermelstein, a lawyer, told the Sun-Sentinel. "And is posing a danger to my mother-in-law simply for speaking out and writing a book."
A brief posting on, dated yesterday, announced the lawsuit, accompanied by a short video in which Hunt attempts to point out inconsistencies in Zisblatt's retelling of the horrible events. It was the only posting on the site.