SPRINGTIME SCHOOL DAY: Was the day that you got out of class, just a few weeks ahead of summer vacation, to learn the maypole dance, just about the most exciting event of your elementary school life? Probably, we'll surmise, because a maypole is so colorful and lively and frolicking around one involves music, fresh air, and sunlight, all things a kid craves. Plus? It only ever happened on one day a year: May Day, or a day close to May 1, which upped the general specialness of the event. (As mentioned, its proximity also helped the overall specialness.) But maypoling is challenging to do outside of school and the occasional Renaissance festival, and while we strongly advocate for their return to general life, say in the parking lots of grocery stores and mall, that is not the case at this point. But one beautiful spot is taking up the cause, and it is full of flowers and sunshine and that optimistic May Day spirit. It's the Russian River Valley Rose Company of Healdsburg, and the streamer-bedecked pole shall be erected over the Saturday, May 2 and Sunday, May 3 weekend.
THERE WILL BE DANCING, TOO: Honestly, what's a maypole without some spritely jigging? The two go hand-in-hand, practically. The UPside Dance Company will put on two daily performances during the May Day weekend, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., which is when the maypole will be woven. Or braided. Is there an actual way to describe the act of maypoling? However you sum it up, it is spectacular and springy and delightful to behold. The gardens will be open, too, in case you need your fill of rose-sniffery, and rose sorbet shall be served. The only thing we're wondering is if maypoles as a larger, seen-everywhere concept are soon to take off. Did we say "if"? We meant when. Few things are as convivial or community-nice. Why should we cease the tradition after we leave elementary school?