HIYA, OCEAN: If you adhere to the notion that everything is connected, from the smallest jacaranda bud to the highest peaks in the Sierra Nevada, then you likely greet each natural wonder you encounter not just with reverence but with a spoken hello, or wave, or shout of acclaim. Think of the redwoods coming into view after a long drive -- do you yell "hooray, redwoods"? Do you let out a sigh when a cloud of birds passes suddenly overhead on a hike? And do you give the ocean some love, or at least a loving glance, when you see it? These are all sweet gestures, but, of course and as always, there are bigger gestures to make, when and where we can. World Ocean Day reminds us of this urgent calling each year, via the information it shares about our planet's Great Water and the earthlings that call it home. If you're a "hiya, ocean" kind of person, someone who regularly ponders the larger cycle of all ecosystems (and how humans can play a helpful role in their care), make for...
MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM... on Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5. "You'll learn about the treasures of the ocean, the threats it faces and what we can do to keep it healthy," says the Cannery Row aquatic institution. Actor/producer Adrian Grenier will receive the Paul Walker Ocean Leadership Award, as will ocean advocate Meg Kikkeri. Crafts, tunes, and educational doings will fill out the weekend, wall-to-wall, giving those who adore the salty and sublime part of our planet their knowledge-packed fill. Are you ready to move a bit beyond greeting the ocean upon seeing it and learning how you can lend it support and stewardship? Make for Monterey over the first weekend in June.