Three earthquakes shake Northern California

Terremoto en Guatemala

Three earthquakes struck near Eureka and off the Northern California coast Saturday morning, according to the United States Geological Survey.

The first, measured at a preliminary 4.7 magnitude, struck at around 8:26 a.m. around 18 miles south southwest of Eureka, USGS reported.

The second, which happened a little over an later at 9:36 a.m., struck off the coast and measured a preliminary 3.7 magnitude. It was centered around 71 miles west southwest of Eureka and around 61 miles west of Petrolia.

Then, at 10:16, the third struck almost 24 miles south southwest of Eureka and around 9 miles southwest of Ferndale. It's been measured at a preliminary magnitude of 4.2.

No other information was immediately available.


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