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Solano County Residents Learn How to Prepare For Wildfires

Residents of Solano County on Sunday learned practical ways to prepare for wildfires.

The training comes two years after many in the Green Valley area evacuated during the Atlas Fire. Mary Beth Dugan took no chances during that blaze, as she saw the burned hills from her property. She’s trying to take more steps to protect her home from wildfires.

"I left when there was voluntary evacuation," Dugan recalled. "That’s really dry, so how do we keep anything that’s coming through from getting up to the house?"

The area in upper Green Valley known as the Highlands has hillside homes with large lots. Some of the questions Dugan had about how to best reduce fire risk in areas such as Green Valley, and even about evacuation routes, were addressed Sunday by first responders.

Cal Fire was at the Green Valley Country Club to talk wildfire preparedness, including action plans, monitoring social media, contacting family and even setting up a fire safe council.

That training allows them access to grant funds to increase the shaded fuel breaks around the community in the event of catastrophic wildfire.

Dugan said if there is a next time, she will be prepared.

"What to do with trees ... make sure there is no dead debris," she said.

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