The Daily Rundown


"My son, Harry, and I call him "Trumpy": Wondering what Dave Letterman thinks of President Donald Trump these days? He interviewed him plenty of times over the years on "The Late Show" and he isn’t holding back now on his opinion of the man he calls "Trumpy." Read the wide-ranging conversation Walt Whitman, err, Letterman, had with Vulture here.  

The House Republicans' long-awaited plan to repeal and replace Obamacare has finally been revealed.

If at first you don’t succeed… President Trump goes for a second bite of the apple with a new executive order on travel and immigration. How is this one different from the first? Watch this video.


Raiders to Vegas? It's a thing again.  Bank of America is stepping up to fund the silver and black's Nevada stadium.

There's one thing the pro- and anti-Trump demonstrators at the March 4 Trump Berkeley rally on Saturday that erupted in violence can now agree on: police could have done a better job.

Heading to SFO? Give yourself plenty of time. The TSA has implemented a new, more rigorous pat-down procedure.


Wintry weather was quite the Bay Area treat on Sunday – snow on the mountaintops and widespread hail in places like San Jose, Foster City and Novato!

Women in tech came out in droves for this hackathon in San Francisco over the weekend. A welcome change of pace in an otherwise male-dominated industry. Our Peninsula digital journalist Rebecca Greenway reports on the cause that brought them all together.

Three years without running water? That's the reality for residents of unincorporated East Porterville. And they're not the only ones suffering from wells that have gone dry in California.  According to the latest data from California’s Water Resources Control Board, 700,000 Californians are currently being exposed to contaminated water at home or at school. We investigate.


Kate McKinnon knows how to pivot. While she’s rarely doing her Hillary Clinton impression these days, she’s sinking her teeth into impressions of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Kellyanne Conway instead. Sessions as Forest Gump on a park bench talking to strangers (and, of course, a shirtless Vladimir Putin) was an entertaining "Saturday Night Live" cold open.  And the recurring Conway knees-bent sight gag throughout the show was the cherry on top.

Last Week Tonight’s John Oliver sits down for a one-on-one interview with the Dalai Lama, and the result is surprisingly earnest and perhaps unexpectedly giddy. Enjoy. 

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