
California Roe v. Wade Supporters Turn Anger to Action

NBC Universal, Inc.

The leaked Supreme Court draft stating the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade sparked an uproar on both sides of the issue, and millions of people are wondering what will happen next.

From a strong message from Gov. Gavin Newsom to a big rally at UC Berkeley, people want to fight back.

At Manny’s in San Francisco Thursday night, the room was packed with people wanting to understand what the Supreme Court’s draft opinion means.

“The majority's draft opinion, and it’s important to recognize it’s a draft, undoes 50 years of precedent,” said Luis Hoyos, trial attorney. “It basically holds that abortion is not a right under the constitution, and it is left up to states and potentially the federal government whether to regulate whether women have access to abortions.”

Trial attorneys Hoyos and Anjali Srinivansan broke down every detail for an audience hungry for knowledge about what could happen next if this draft opinion becomes law.

“You’re going to see women who end up performing abortions themselves outside the perview of care providers,” said Srinivansan.

And she says women are going to run to states where abortions are legal.

Speaking outside a Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles, Newsom called on Democrats to take action, saying they’ve been too passive.

“Don’t think for a second this is where they stop,” he said. “The right to privacy is not foundational, they’re coming after you.”

The leaked document pushed UC Berkeley students to the streets, marching throughout downtown with signs.

“It’s beautiful to see people coming together as a community to defend women’s rights. You see guys defending women’s rights. That's amazing to see,” said student Kelsey Bautista.

Some believe a rollback of the federal law will change public faith and trust in the court.

“I think there could be a move to try to try to change the composition of the court, add justices or maybe impose term limits,” said Srinivansan.

That takes a change in laws and making sure voices are heard and some who are willing to fight believe it can.

“I think anything is possible at this point,” said Srinivansan.

Attorneys believe more people will get involved and to make a change people have to contact their local lawmakers and vote.

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