
Marin County Water District Approves More Restrictions to Address Drought

NBC Universal, Inc.

In response to historically low reservoir levels and drought conditions, Marin Water's board of directors on Tuesday voted to increase restrictions on water use.

Spray irrigation is now limited to two days a week, and drip irrigation to three days a week, and the board also mandated covers for recreational pools and spas.

Officials have said Marin Water's reservoir levels are currently at about 50%, the lowest level in 40 years. This time of year, they are typically above 90%.

The board declared a water shortage emergency on April 20 and adopted several water use restrictions. Under those restrictions, Marin Water customers may not wash vehicles at home, power wash homes or businesses, flood their gutters, water grass on public medians or use potable water for dust control, sewer flushing or street cleaning.

Beginning May 20, golf courses will be restricted to watering tees and greens.

Information on the water use restrictions can be found at MarinWater.org/WaterRules.

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