San Francisco's Worst Beach Revealed

Passing grades generally, but still some problems

The annual grades from Santa Monica-based Heal the Bay are in, and while local beaches aren't quite straight-A students, the results are still pretty good.

The grades reflect the quality of water tests and observations, with toxins, trash and sewage reflecting poorly.

The worst report? San Francisco's Baker Beach in the vicinity of Lobos Creek.

It took home an F in terms of water quality from April to October of 2008.

The best report? The western end of Crissy Field, which was one plus short of an A-plus trifecta for general water quality, water quality in dry conditions and water quality after rain.

Generally water quality declines after storms, as rainwater runoff spills into the ocean and bay, bringing with it pollution, bacteria and other nasty floatsam and jetsam.

For instance, Candlestick Point got high marks generally and in dry weather, but failed miserably after bouts of wet weather. Photo by Flickr user Mikol.

Jackson West still plans to freeze his toes off on Ocean Beach more than a few times this summer.

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