Six Flags' Donkey, Elephant Pick President

People who just can't make up their minds about who should be the next president might want to turn their attention to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom on Wednesday.

Park officials had a donkey and an elephant choose who will be their presidential candidate of choice.

The Republican and Democratic animal "symbols choose between photos of Sen. Barrack Obama, D-Illinois and Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona

Park officials said they also invited Odin to the party. He is a 7 year-old male white Bengal tiger who has proven to be widely popular at the park. Odin swims underwater and likes to eat blood popsicles with ice cream in his spare time.

Odin represented third party candidates.

Discovery Kingdom officials made sure to tell us that the stunt is not a "scientific prediction."

Valerie, a 26-year-old female African elephant and Sister, a 33-year-old female Mediterranean donkey, represented their respective political parties.

But Sister crossed party lines and picked McCain and Valerie took three votes to finally pull the trigger on McCain. She voted third party and Obama first.

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