Amador City Hosts State's Shortest Parade

The Gold Country burg turns 100 with a precious procession.

GOLD COUNTRY HAMLET: California is a state of record-makers, from the biggest trees (high fives, redwoods and sequoias) to the lowest golf course (we're looking at you, Death Valley) to some of the oldest living things on the planet (bristlecone pines, holler). But while several of the state's records go for the out-sized vibe, there is, of course, a few notable smallests, like the smallest incorporated city in the Golden State. That title has long gone to Amador City, in Gold Country, and while it now bills itself as "one of the smallest towns in California," a short, short stroll through its charming historic center will inspire any visitor to think "yeah, this is absolutely the most petite place in all of California." With that in mind, the community will stage "the shortest parade" in the state on Saturday, May 30 in honor of its centennial. Oh yes, the wee spot, which has its roots in the rootin' tootin' days following the Gold Rush, moseyed its way to cityhood over several decades. The deed was done in 1915, making 2015 Amador City's big 100th birthday. Or should we say "teensy" 100th birthday, given the state's shortest parade and all? However you want to approach the celebration, make for the Sierra foothills on...

SATURDAY, MAY 30: The party's on from 11 a.m. to 3 o'clock, and, in addition to the parade, tunes shall be provided by the Banjo Racketeers and the Ukemaniacs. There are some shops to peek in, and two dozen or so buildings that look as if they were transported straight from the 1800s (including the oft-photographed Imperial Hotel). And, yes, Amador City is plunk in the middle of the winding wine country that Highway 49 wends through, so you can probably pick up a bottle of award-winning Amador County red wine before you split. As for Amador City's actual birthday? That's June 2. As for Amador City occupying time and space in this century? The jury's still out on that, given that most cities balloon with modern additions, some good, some meh, over time. This sepia-toned slice of Gold Country never really did, at its heart, and that makes it a very big-in-heart smallest city. Happy 100th, Amador City!

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