United Kingdom

Londoners Spread Message of Unity Through Tube Stations

Message boards throughout the underground transit stations had messages of perseverance and positivity

Londoners were greeted by messages of unity written on dry erase boards in Underground stations, one day after Wednesday’s deadly terrorist attack.

Among the messages in the Tube, London’s underground transportation system, have been quotes encouraging strength and a consistent message of not backing down to fear.

Photos of the messages were posted on Twitter Thursday morning.

A British-born man on Wednesday attacked pedestrians on the Westminster Bridge in London and fatally stabbed a police office on the British Parliament’s grounds, authorities said. Four people, including the attacker, were killed, while 29 people were hospitalized.

British Prime Minister Theresa May, who delivered a message of strength and unity to the British House of Commons Thursday, said that the man was known to intelligence services in Britain.

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