Google I/O Developer Conference Sells Out in Minutes

$900 passes to May event a hot commodity

Did you emit a "yahoo" after scoring tickets to Google's annual Google I/O developer conference? If so, you must have been quick -- passes to the May event in San Francisco sold out in under 49 minutes, according to reports.

That's almost twice as long as the time it took for the event to sell out last year -- but then again, since it took three months for enough developers to buy tickets a few years ago, that's an improvement.

Some ticket-buyers might arrive with ideas to improve Google when they show up at the Moscone Center on May 15 for the three-day event: the ticketing site proved problematic for some would-be purchasers, according to TechCrunch.

Some users of Google Wallet reported registration problems, meaning they couldn't immediately fork over $900 to hobnob with other code-crunchers.

There's a sharp rise in demand for an easily-understandable reason -- and it's in 68 percent of pockets and purses around the word. Android's share of the smartphone market is burgeoning, and developers are keen to find a way to cash in on Google's open source software found worldwide.

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