The 144th running of the Kentucky Derby, the first leg of the Triple Crown, is on Saturday, May 5.
Coverage kicks off at 11:30 a.m. PST and the race is set for 3:46 p.m. PST. You can watch it all live at home or on the go via NBC Live.
You can live stream the Derby on your desktop or laptop computer or your mobile device by clicking on this link. You can also watch the coverage on our free app — download it from iTunes here or from Google Play here. All you need is your TV service provider’s username and password.
What is a TV service provider?
A TV service provider is a company you pay to get your television service, such as a cable, satellite or a telecommunications company.
Why am I being asked to sign in?
TV service providers play a key role in delivering our content through emerging technology platforms, like the web and mobile devices. It's through the support of pay TV service providers that we're able to bring live as well as on demand entertainment and news shows to subscribers at no additional cost.
Do I have to create a new account?
If you already have a username and password from your TV service provider, you do not need to create a new account — just verify your account information. If you have not previously set up an account with your provider, you'll need to create a new account. Please contact your TV service provider to learn more. If you're not currently a customer with a TV service provider, you'll need to become one to access the full range of NBC programming.
How do I verify my TV service provider account?
Select your TV service provider from the list. When asked, enter your account username and password; it's most likely the same information you use to log on to your account to pay your bill online. Don't forget to check "remember me" to avoid having to sign in each time you come back.
What if I've forgotten my username or password?
Most TV service providers offer a simple way to retrieve or reset your password online. Please contact your provider to learn more.