California Recall Election Cost Taxpayers $200 Million
The election of whether to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom cost taxpayers just over $200 million
Gavin Newsom Defeats Recall Effort to Stay on as California Governor
Voters headed to the ballot box Tuesday to decide the fate of Gov. Gavin Newsom, and perhaps the future of California, in the state’s gubernatorial recall election.
5 Takeaways After California Governor Handily Defeats Recall
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has ably fended off Republicans’ recall attempt
Few Voting Issues Reported With California Recall Election
Some Republicans had worried that fraud claims ahead of Tuesday’s election from some party leaders could suppress turnout.
Live Results: Recall Effort Fails, Newsom Retains Office
Here are the results for the California Recall Election, which asks if Gov. Gavin Newsom should be recalled. And, if so, by whom.